Sunday, January 12, 2014

Repair a Icom IC-2800H control head and replace the CFL with LED backlighting

I have successfully repaired 2 Icom IC-2800H control heads
removed the CFL lamp and converted them to LED back-lighting

The CFL lamp generates a lot of heat and causes the units to fail.

You will need the following.

5 -  Surface mount LED's  high output white type.

I used these -  5050-PW6000 Pure White 5050 SMD LED    $0.65 each    from

1 -  560 ohm 1/2 watt resistor.

Remove the knobs and remove the back of the control head. 4 screws and lift off the back.
remove the 5 screws that secure the PCB to the front.   4 long ones and one short one.

Be careful as the LCD panel is loose at this point.  unplug the CFL lamp and very carefully remove it from the slot.
you will have to lift up the plastic sheets and slide it out.

Then build the led strip and very carefully slide it into the slot where the CFL was. making sure the LEDs are facing down.

Re assemble the unit to the face, holding all the parts together, LCD panel and the newly installed LEDs.

screw the PCB back on to the face with the 5 screws.

Locate the coil that powers the inverter, and heat one side until you can lift it from the PCB, be careful as this is very delicate.

Solder the negative lead to the metal shield and the positive lead to the 560 Ohm resistor. The other end of the resistor goes to the coil you lifted up slightly.

If everything went properly it should light up very nicely, even brighter than the old CFL.

 PCB removed and ready for modification

Remove the lamp, and be careful with the LCD panel and the plastic sheets behind it.

Connect 5 SMT LEDs make sure the alignment is correct, they have a notch in one corner. Make the strip approx as long as the original CFL lamp, about 1 inch shorter will work fine.


Notice the notches are all facing the same direction :)  I cut  the excess wire off  and soldered short leads to run to the solder points on the PCB. the negative lead I just soldered to the metal shield.  Test with a 1k resistor and battery to double check the positive and negative lead.

Very carefully lift the side of the coil (labeled 101) from the PCB, this is the power supply to the inverter, I used that to power the LEDs as I do not want the inverter running.   Connect the current dropping resistor to the end of the coil you lifted, mine tipped up very nicely and the resistor soldered to it just fine.   If you notice the picture is 2 780 ohm resistors in parallel, I have since replaced them with a 560 ohm 1/2 watt resistor.  less current only about 25 ma to the LEDs.

And there you are, it looks great. and actually brighter than the original CFL with no heat.
after running for several hours, the head is now only slightly warm.

 Good luck.

Update: per request 2-26-2014

 I have successfully completed this modification to 3 of these radios with 100% sucess.

For those interested in the parts that are suspect if your unit will not power up. look at these components
In the 2800 control head (to fix this intermittent turn-on failure) the following parts were replaced:

IC14 (according to Icom this is a component they replace for this issue, however I did not have to)
Q18 (Icom also recommends replacing this transistor, In my case I did not need to)

(for me at least) replacing the capacitors listed should fix the turn on issue, they seem to be leaky and cause the voltage regulators to fail to operate properly.

You can download the IC-2800H service manual here:




  1. The control head failure seems to be a fairly common occurrence. I appreciate your post of changing the light over to the LED's. Can you post another going through the troubleshooting on the control head and what you did to fix that one? :). ICOM said they no longer support the radio, so I'm trying to dig up what others have done to fix theirs so I can fix mine. :)

    1. Update. I added some info on locating the problem. Its mostly some luck, it seems they units have bad little silver caps that go bad. one i replace the ones listed the units came to life. Check the info at the end of the article.

      I am curious as to your success. Let me know and I will try and help.

      - Cody

    2. Cody,

      Would you be willing to repair my 2800?


      Frank N6EFD

    3. Frank,
      What are your symptoms? does the unit power on?
      Depending on your units condition, I possibly can help.

      Let me know.

    4. Yes, does not power up. If I play with it for about 10 minutes it will come on. I had planned to do the repair at one time. I have disassembled the radio and removed c114 to replace but never got around to it. I would like to have the LED mod done also.

  2. Let me now if you can do the repair. would really like to use the radio again.



  3. Frank,
    Give me your email so we can chat about it.
    Cody - K0DYS

  4. Cody,

    Address is



  5. nice information thank you for sharing...

    CFL pcb india

  6. do you have spare lcd for icom ic 2880H ?

  7. Regards. My name is Antonio Estévez and live on the island of Gran Canaria (Spain). My target is EA8DDS and have a ICOM IC 2800 has broken the LCD. In ICOM Spain, the parts (part number EDTCA22Q0) costs about 200 euros (too expensive for the time you have the computer). I pray if I can provide where order replacements in America to know whether to repair or compensate me throw it away directly. Thank you. My email is

  8. Is the LCD screen broken? as in cracked or damaged in some way? if you are simply not getting a power on or screen to show, it may be a only the back-light. If the unit is powering on, and you can hear the beep or squelch noise then it may be possible to repair.

    If you have a damaged or actual broken screen, from cracking or otherwise, then I do not know of any replacement.

    There is also the possibility if your not getting power on at all, then you may have a blown fuse on the main radio unit. The fuse is a 0 ohm resistor (very tiny surface mount component) that is bad. This happens when the control head cable gets cut, or damaged, and shorts out the 13.8v line. The resistor is VERY difficult to replace, its located on the bottom of the main circuit board, and requires a fair amount of work to replace. (lots of ub-soldering etc)

    Hope this helps

    Cody - K0DYS

  9. Hi Kody, I have an IC-2800H that a friend asked me to repair. It had the cold turn on problem. I was instructed to replace C-38. I inadvertently replaced C-38 but installed it backwards(polarity reversed) and now it won't power up at all. I reinstalled C-38 properly after realizing what I did. What do I do next??? Can you repair it?? How much does it cost??. Thanks, Ross W1EKG

    1. Ross,
      Are you getting any power to the head?
      check and see if you are getting any 12v power. It is possbile you have toasted the 1 ohm resistor (R297) on the main body.
      If you have 12+v on pin 6 of the control head then there is some other problem that would need diagnosed.
      If that passes check for +5v across C114 or the output pin of IC14 (5v regulator) there should be 5v present anytime there is a power source connected to the radio.

      From there it would take more trouble shooting to get the problem identified.

      I hope this helps.

    2. Hi Cody, The 12 v is at the connector when it's unplugged, goes away when I plug into the head. The 1 ohm may very well be toasted. I'll try to locate it and let you know. Thanks a million!!(so far)

  10. I found the 1 ohm resistor, it's measuring 160 ohms...I'll keep you posted. Thanks!!!W1EKG

  11. Hi Cody, It's working again! I couldn't have done it without your help!
    Merry Christmas! Ross W1EKG

    1. Excellent, Good to hear another 2800 is still working. That resistor is hard to find! and amazing you got it fixed.

      Did you replace the cfl with led's ? Its a bit of work, but worth it in the long run, cooler operation.

      Merry Christmas

    2. Hi Cody, No, I didn't, this is not my radio and I got way in over my head as it is. If my friend wants me to I'll do it, but for right now I think he'll be happy just to have it back. It's been on the bench since late August... UUUGGGHHH!! I mainly repair and restore old tube type stuff, but I was also the East Coast service center for Grundig till a few years ago. In fact, I pulled the resistor from a defunct Grundig portable pc board that was in the junk box!Once again, Many thanks for your help!! Merry Christmas and Happy new year! W1EKG

  12. Hi Cody - I have a 2800 that isn't powering up; I'd like to speak with you about finding out if you could possibly fix it, or help me troubleshoot it. My email - brian (at) stormtours (dot) com. Thanks, WX0USA.

    1. Brian,
      How is the radio working? Curious how the repairs I did held up.


  13. Sure, be happy to assist. There are several reasons it might not power up. Does it beep and no display? or nothing at all?

  14. Hi Cody,
    I have an old IC-2800 with a bad display.
    Radio does power up ok, beep and seems to work basically ok,
    but not display visible on cotrol head.
    CFL lamp is on and display is bright, but almost no contrast, so you cannot read any frequency etc.

    Which electrolytic capacitor is the bad one?
    Is there a way to troubleshoot further?
    What about C101 and C102 (10yF) on line called CONTRASTTV ?
    tnx ur help de Mike, oe3mzc

    1. Mike,
      I have only seen this problem once, and it was due to the ribbon cable that connects the LCD panel to the board was loose a bit. Try and (very carefully) pop up the (white?) tension bar and slide out the cable, check the contacts (maybe even clean them) and re-insert it. and lock down the bar.

      Other than that, I am not certain, you could be right about the C101.. if it was shorted it might affect that.

      Can you see any image at all? just very light?

      Sorry to be of more help, hard to diagnose when I can't use some tools and poke around.

      - Cody

    2. Hi Cody,
      tnx reply!
      I tested ribbon cable, but seems ok. I can see image very light at power on.
      So I have replaced elecrtolytic Cap C125 and C38 at the voltage inverter IC3, because I measured +2V instead of +13Vdc at input of IC3. (easy to measure at C201)
      result: now input to IC3 is +9Vdc and output at C125 is minus 13,5Vdc, which seems ok. (tricky for correct polarity of Caps!)
      Now picture comes on and I cans see frequency readout ok again.

      one problem remains: every 5 seconds the units does a restart (reset) but without a beep.
      I assume also the Caps at the 5V regulators are bad. (will replace later)
      I measured some of the replaced parts and capacity is ok but ESR is very high (10 Ohms)

      you mention in your list to replace CC25. where/what is this part? could not find? is it a typo?

      thanky for all your great information on this page! vy helpful.73 from Vienna, Austria
      de Mike

    3. Hi Cody,
      tnx reply!
      I tested ribbon cable, but seems ok. I can see image very light at power on.
      So I have replaced elecrtolytic Cap C125 and C38 at the voltage inverter IC3, because I measured +2V instead of +13Vdc at input of IC3. (easy to measure at C201)
      result: now input to IC3 is +9Vdc and output at C125 is minus 13,5Vdc, which seems ok. (tricky for correct polarity of Caps!)
      Now picture comes on and I cans see frequency readout ok again.

      one problem remains: every 5 seconds the units does a restart (reset) but without a beep.
      I assume also the Caps at the 5V regulators are bad. (will replace later)
      I measured some of the replaced parts and capacity is ok but ESR is very high (10 Ohms)

      you mention in your list to replace CC25. where/what is this part? could not find? is it a typo?

      thanky for all your great information on this page! vy helpful.73 from Vienna, Austria
      de Mike

    4. Mike,
      Agreed on the 5v regulator caps. and yes a Typo, should have been C128 (fixed) IC22 5v reg output

      Great to know your making progress.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi. I have a IC2800 that when you power up it works fine but the display rolls over from the start up screen and thru all the different screen colors. Have you struck this and can you help?

  17. Hi, I am not sure exactly what you mean by rolls over. Does it actually change colors? I have repaired quite a few of these radios, but not seen a problem like that. Does the back light work ok? or does it seem to have lines rolling through the image?
    Once I get a better idea, I will see what I can do to help.


  18. Cody,
    I have a 2800 that the encoder went bad in so I thought I would do everything I could while I had the Control unit apart but I have a question about your LED replacement for the CFL.
    Did the dimming control work after you got done?

    1. yes, the dimming works fine. it does not have the same range, but overall works well.

      Good luck on your project to get her going again, I have had lots of different radios over the years, but still prefer the 2800.

      Cody - K0DYS

  19. My lcd 2800h is damaged. Where i can get new lcd replacement

    1. The only source I am aware of would be to harvest one from a defective radio. Is you display physically damaged? or is it just not displaying?

  20. Hi Cody, Im Dito, I have 2800H with LCD its not focus, can I send the picture for your information how to repair? All operation normally tx n rx very well.
    Thnks for your attention

    1. Ok, I see the picture of your display. there are numerous possible causes for this. I would suspect defective capacitors, this seems to cause 99% of the problems. I don't know how much I can help with this, only make suggestions.

    2. I mistakenly deleted your comment, however, No I do not have a replacement logic board. Since this radio is fairly old now, the only way to repair them is to replace components on the board. That requires some troubleshooting techniques.

      Sorry I could not be of more help

  21. Cody, I have 2 IC-2800's that have the same control head not powering up problem. Also, my programming software requires a serial port and only works with one radio. Do you have software that can be used on newer computers that will program both radios? I would like to send you these for repair. Please email me.
    73 Dave

  22. Cody, this is Alex Barnfield. I'm a super big ic2800 fan! I have a mint ic2800 that's a backup rig. I have 2 used ones as well. One of them has a slow display. The other one has a bad cable & bad (won't turn on) head. I also have a spare head that has went bad (won't turn on) as well. Would you be interested in fixing them and doing led mod on all of them? thanks
    73's Alex

    1. Alex,

      I may be able to help you. I can repair them, it takes me about a week or two on average. I will contact you via email direct to work out the specifics.

      Cody / K0DYS

    2. I also am in need having my IC 2800 repaired and am not confident in doing so myself. It will not power up. If you can help please contact me at thanks, Jeff

    3. Jeff,
      I can probably repair your unit. Once I determine if its a electronic issue and not a cable or other basic problem. I will contact you via your email.

      -Cody / K0DYS

  23. have you replaced the LCD display where can i get one of these

  24. Frank, I have not found a source for the actual LCD panel. Is yours bad ? or just no back-light. almost all the problems are related to failed back-light issues. Those cn be fixed, I have repaired many IC-2800H units with this issue.


  25. Hi Cody I have two displays were can i contact you regarding some issues, my email is zs6sam

    1. Sam,
      you can contact me via my email if you prefer.

      Cody / K0DYS

  26. Cody, I have lost the display on my 2800 remote head. Was intermittent for a long time but no failure is constant. All else works FB on tx and rx. Reviewed your instructions and deem myself not skilled enough to repair myself. Do you accept these control heads for repair. Contact me at jdomitrovich@gmail. Thanks, Jim W3GYM

    1. Jim,
      I will email you shortly and we can work on fixing your display.

      -Cody / K0DYS

  27. Hi Cody,

    Just stumbled across this page, I adore the 2800, its a fantastic radio. I'm on my second due to head issues, but I'll see if I can dig it out. I'm based in the UK but so happy to see this page still active.

    73's Michael/ 2E0MTU

  28. Good to see other 2800 enthusiasts out there. I have repaired quite a few over the last few years.
    gota keep them alive as long as possible. hoping someday Icom will make a newer version.

  29. Cody, I also have a 2800H with display issues. It used to beep and you could hear the radio long before you could see it light up but now it won't beep when you push the power button or light up, then it will suddenly come on and work fine until you turn it off, then it the same game, very frustrating. Would like to see if you might be willing to do your magic to it? If your still on your one man mission to keep them going, please E-mail me at my QRZ listed email
    Thanks, 73
    Robert KA9UVY

  30. Robert,
    I replied to your email address. Hope all is well.

  31. I have two units both had dim displays.
    One unit - if left powered off for long time - then switch on - I can see welcome screen - then display is dim for about 2 seconds and then no longer visable .Any ideas .The CFL appears to remain at the same brightness if I remove rear cover and monitor its brightness.

    1. My best guess would be the caps are bad and need replaced. I replaced the cfl with led's and have had no issues.
      100% of my failed units were the caps listed in the article, once replaced the display works like new again.

      Good luck.

  32. So I have a 2800, I power it up, it’s fine looks great after a few moments the screen changes color and then proceeds to go through all the possible color choices, Also the screen occasionally reboots, And sometimes just cycles through reboots right up until more power comes into the controll head from keying up, and then everything works as normal untill it repeats the above. I’m suspecting leaky caps. I guess I’ll start with covering it to LEDs for screen lighting, and then go from there(figuring the leds will draw less power, and if it takes longer for it to go into reboots It may someone confirm that the capsular leaky. What do you think?

    1. Hi,
      Your symptoms sound like a couple of possibilities.
      You might be in demo mode, (see below)
      or the fusible resistor that supplies 12v to the head is bad due to shorts in the cable.
      I've seen it act weird like this before when the resistor is burnt a bit. This would lower the overall current capacity to the head.

      Demo mode:
      A demonstration function is available at power ON. This function gives you a quick visual introduction to the function display indicators.

      While pushing [CHG/L], push [POWER] to turn power ON.
      The transceiver cycles through a visual tour of the function display indicators.
      Push any switch to exit demonstration mode and enter the normal operating condition temporarily. The transceiver automatically returns to demonstration
      mode after 2 min. in which no operations are performed.

      To deactivate the demonstration display permanently, turn power OFF, then while pushing [CHG/L], turn power ON again.

    2. OMG! thank you, it was in demo mode 🤦‍♂️

      I never would’ve guessed that it would be that easy to put it into demo mode.
      Now to change the CFL out to LEDs

      Well that’s a relief now I can just go ahead and change the CFL over to LEDs

  33. Thanks Cody,did the display great.Still trying to see if ther’s a way to receive the 220 mhz. Band.W4ebx

    1. I have never found a way to get the radio to work on the 220 band, the rec filters would be a issue, even if you could re-program the firmware, (nearly impossible) it would have terrible sensitivity.
      The filters give the advantage of less intermod problems, probably just easier to buy a radio already setup for 220 operation.

      If you find some magical way, please share.

      Cody / K0DYS

  34. Hello, I have a 2800h that immediately transmits when powered on. Do you know what the problem could be?

    1. Have you removed the microphone? Inspect the mic connector on the body, to make sure there is no corrosion, bad cable, or other issues.

      If it transmits without the mic plugged in, then there is probably a issue with logic inside. that would take some diagnostics work to determine the actual cause.

  35. Hello Cody, I got a ic2800h that won't power up, no sound or anything. It was having the slow to power on issue now nothing. Do you still do any repairs?

  36. Tim,
    Yes, I can do repairs.
    Sounds like you might have a blown 0 ohm protection resistor on the main logic board. Or a bad cable to the control head.
    It sounds like you might need the caps replaced as well to cure the slow turn on.

    Contact me @

  37. Thank you Cody, Radio arrived back safely. I'm excited to see this awesome Display have life back in it. Dual bander mobile units today may have more bells and whistles but the Display on the 2800's blows them away.

    1. Tim,
      Glad to hear all is well. Enjoy that awesome radio!

  38. Cody... I LOVE my 2800 when I can get it to power up. Unfortunately that's getting less and less often. Would you be willing to operate on it?

    1. Yes, I would be happy to help out and keep this amazing radio alive.
      Contact me at and we can get the details worked out.

  39. Just so everyone who reads the blog knows, The control head arrived back today and it works and looks great! Cody did a great job!

  40. Cody, Todd KH2TJ here. While searching for info on the IC2800, I came across your blog here. I have an IC2800 that up until yesterday, 3/8/2023, was working fine. Now, it powers up but no sound. The Mic buttons do not work and it does not transmit as well. The head unit was hot to the touch when I noticed that is was not making any sound anymore. I'm located in northern CA up above Truckee and thought I saw where you are also from NorCal? Any help/info greatly apprecitated. Todd, KH2TJ

    1. And the display appears to be functioning normally. I can change freqs with the dial knobs, but when I open the squelch on either band - no sound...Hope I've explained it properly....Thanks.

  41. Todd,
    I would suspect a issue with the cable between the head and radio. If you have a straight through 6pin cable it will work.
    Audio is on 2 wires in the cable to the speaker in the head.
    Try plugging in a external speaker to the body and see if you get sound.
    If the mic is not working, then you may have a more serious issue, perhaps you can try a different mic? The Icom HM-133 works fine with this radio as well.
    The head does get hot after while, due to the cfl backlight and inverter driving it.
    There are many possible causes, and it may take more troubleshooting to root out the issue.

    73, Cody / K0DYS
